
Waste gas treatment of pharmaceutical and chemical industry
Scheme  introduction

With the improvement of people's living standards, all walks of life are developing rapidly. Today, the development of pharmaceutical and chemical industry is also developing rapidly. Pharmaceutical intermediates bring significant economic benefits to people, and their pollution has also attracted much attention. A large number of organic solvents are used in chemical production and pharmaceutical industry to produce all kinds of VOCs (volatile organic compounds). Due to many production processes, many kinds of raw materials, large amount of solvent and high concentration, it is very important to treat these waste gases reasonably. The company's main products include air pollution control equipment: photochemical ion waste gas purification device, acid-base waste gas purification tower, toxic and harmful waste gas absorption tower, stainless steel combustion tower, organic waste gas VOC concentration, adsorption, desorption and incineration device, tail gas dry adsorbent and complete set of biological deodorization equipment for odor gas.



Peking University Medicine


Chongqing Boteng

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