

Complete set of chemical absorption deodorization and biological deodorization equipment

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 10:34:03 HITS:

Using the basic principles of photochemistry, the research and development of new methods and technologies to deal with various pollutants has always been the focus of pollution control chemistry. Scholars at home and abroad have done a lot of basic work in this field, achieved a lot of results, and gradually formed the photochemical methods of pollution control. With the action of photochemical oxidation, many odor pollutants that are difficult to be treated by general methods can be completely degraded in a short time.

The photochemical odor gas treatment equipment adopts the advanced light / oxygen synergistic deodorization technology in the late 1990s, and is based on the photochemical device with high efficiency, high intensity and long life manufactured by special design, process and materials. This technology comprehensively utilizes the destructive effect of high-strength irradiation field on odor substances and the oxidative removal effect of oxygen on odor substances to remove hydrogen sulfide, ammonia VOC (volatile organic compounds) such as methyl mercaptan, and the active secondary oxidant produced by the decomposition of oxygen under strong irradiation is used to oxidize harmful substances. There is a synergy between the irradiation field and oxygen. This synergy increases the odor removal rate of the technology by 7 to 9 orders of magnitude, that is, the reaction rate increases by ten million to one billion times.

The washing biofilter deodorization process technology adopted by us is a practical technology successfully developed on the basis of introducing foreign advanced deodorization technology, and has its own patent intellectual property rights of the manufacturer and supplier. It is a high-tech achievement transformation project. The core technology of odor treatment is a mature deodorization technology in the world and has been widely popularized and applied at home and abroad.

Its principle is to adopt the treatment process of biological carrier adsorption, absorption and degradation method. Its principle is to adopt the treatment process of deodorizing microbial carrier biological filler adsorption method, so that after alkali washing or water washing and humidification, the odor can be absorbed and filtered through the filler layer which is wet, porous and full of active microorganisms, and the adsorption, absorption and degradation of odor substances by microbial cells, The odor pollutants are adsorbed and finally decomposed into simple and harmless inorganic substances such as CO2 and H2O, so as to eliminate odor components and discharge them into the atmosphere after purification.




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