
Waste gas treatment in Coking Industry
Scheme  introduction

Process flow: waste gas collection pipeline → primary waste gas scrubber → secondary waste gas scrubber → centrifugal fan → exhaust duct → discharge into the atmosphere after reaching the standard

Treatment process: the pollutants in this section are mainly tar, crude benzene, benzene and hydrocarbon organics in washing oil tail gas, benzopyrene, etc., and there is also a small amount of ammonia. Washing oil or light tar is used as spraying liquid in this process. After washing and purification in the primary washing tower, the waste gas enters the secondary washing tower in series again for full washing, and the gas flows out from the lower part of the washing tower to the top, The droplets contained in the gas are separated and removed by the demister integrated on the top of the tower; Conduct sufficient gas-liquid exchange contact; The spraying liquid will wash and purify the harmful substances in the waste gas, and the purified gas will be discharged by the end induced draft fan. The spraying liquid of the primary and secondary scrubbers is wash oil or light tar, and the spraying liquid shall be pumped to the wash tank regularly for treatment.





Henan Jinma


Baichuan, Ningxia

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