
  • Recruitment position:Senior designer

    Published on:2021-12-27 Location:Changzhou, Jiangsu Number of recruits:2 Salary:6000-12000

    Operating duty

    1. Quickly get familiar with the project overview of the project, formulate the detailed organization plan and scheme of the project and list the time nodes of each link of the design process;

    2. According to the construction needs of the project, be responsible for modifying, perfecting and optimizing the design drawings, and the one who can produce the effect drawing is better;

    3. Preside over and be responsible for the overall work of the project department, including construction concept preparation stage, design stage, construction stage, warranty stage, project technology and quality management, and be fully responsible for engineering technology and engineering quality;

    4. Earnestly implement the requirements of the company for the construction intention, master the project design characteristics, key links, key points and difficulties of construction, and put forward reasonable suggestions to ensure the quality and construction period and reduce the cost;

    5. Organize self review and joint review of engineering drawings, and timely solve various technical problems in construction; Coordinate various design contradictions and request the design unit to solve the "error, omission, collision and defect" project as soon as possible;

    6. Be responsible for the sorting, archiving and handover of engineering drawings, design changes and other relevant data.;

    7. be responsible for communicating with the designers of the construction and design units, and deepening, modifying and designing the drawings according to the opinions and site conditions;

    8. Be familiar with on-site construction management and arrange construction personnel for project implementation according to the construction organization plan and scheme;

    9. Assist the company in selecting construction general contracting and equipment suppliers, review their qualification level, investigate their performance ability and performance, and put forward suggestions; After reviewing the selection of subcontractors, put forward confirmation and negative opinions;

    10. Be responsible for supervising the implementation of the contract. When there may be serious deviation in the performance of the contract, be responsible for putting forward a detailed report on taking decisive measures or even suspending the implementation of the contract; Put forward suggestions on the replacement of relevant personnel or even the removal of the contractor for the ineffective work of the contractor and cooperative units;

    11. Be familiar with construction nodes, decoration materials, processes and construction processes; Have the ability to actively follow up project communication and on-site solution

    Job requirements

    1. College degree or above, major in architectural design and interior design, draftsman level certificate is preferred, and on-site construction technology of curtain wall or decoration engineering is preferred;

    2. At least 3 years working experience in planning, with experience in digital multimedia or large-scale theme park project planning; Those with certain project experience and specific landing projects are preferred. They are required to be dispatched to the company's project site, and those who can travel in multiple places are preferred

    3. Proficient in using word, PPT, Su, PS, CAD and other software; Be familiar with the key points and processes of the project from planning ideas to implementation

    4. Have certain writing skills and planning ability, and have certain innovation ability; Strong communication skills and teamwork skills; Have the ability to find the difficulties and key points in each process link

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