

Deodorization equipment for solid waste bin

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 10:24:00 HITS:

The gas composition in the temporary storage of kitchen wet garbage, solid waste and hazardous waste is complex, which contains odor acid-base gas and VOC gas, which is harmful to human health and needs to be purified according to the national emission standards. The treatment process of the system: the washing tower adopts acid / alkali washing and water washing integrated tower + photocatalysis + low temperature plasma + activated carbon adsorption for waste gas purification treatment, automatic control, standard discharge, small occupation area, simple and convenient control operation, good treatment effect and low maintenance cost.

Application:It is mainly used for waste gas collection and treatment of solid and hazardous waste temporary storage, waste gas collection and treatment of cement kiln collaborative disposal, solid waste disposal waste gas collection and treatment, and kitchen waste odor gas treatment.




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