

Acid mist absorption (purification) tower

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 15:22:38 HITS:

The whole set of equipment is an absorption equipment with simple structure and small pressure drop. The harmful gases mainly targeted and treated are: acid mist gas (HSO), hydrogen chloride gas (HCl), hydrogen fluoride gas (HF), chromic acid gas (CRO), hydrogen cyanide gas (HCN), hydrogen sulfide gas (HS), ammonia gas (NH) and other water-soluble gases. Sodium hydroxide solution with a concentration of 2 ~ 6% is used as the neutralization absorption solution. The gas is from top to bottom. The mist spray liquid is absorbed from top to bottom, and the two phases are contacted and absorbed on the surface of the packing layer, The gas and liquid are fully interwoven and neutralized by acid mist and alkaline solution, which has a good absorption and purification effect.

It can be widely used to treat the industrial waste gas produced in the surface treatment or production reaction process of chemical industry, electroplating, metallurgy, pickling, hardware, instrument, electronics and other industries, as well as the waste gas purification in the reaction process of phosphate fertilizer.




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