

triethylamine waste gas processing device

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 11:40:03 HITS:

Triethylamine exhaust gas treatment device is used for treating the dust and triethylamine exhaust gas in the core production process in casting industry. The exhaust gas processing tower is equipped with gas inlet located at the bottom and the gas outlet at the top. The water tank is installed at the bottom of the washing tower, above the water tank is a spray tower. The spray tower body is equipped with two filler layers separated each other, and every filler layer is provided correspondingly with spray system. The top of the spray tower body is provided with a water collector. The spray tower body is also provided with a manhole.

The exhaust gas produced by the core shooter is sucked by the air blower and discharged. In order to prevent the sand is sucked into the tower body, affecting the normal operation of equipment, the sand removing device is installed before the equipment. The equipment structure is simple and effective, easy to clean.

Exhaust gas treatment is phosphoric acid absorption way. In order to ensure pH value of the circulating liquid is controlled in effective range, and the treatment is stable and effective, the dosing device adopts PLC brake control.

This new type of triethylamine waste gas processing device is featured with simple structure, convenient operation, safe and reliable, low operating cost, and can absorb effectively the triethylamine in the waste gas and has good treatment effect.




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