

Wet and dry dedusting and demisting equipment

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 11:33:29 HITS:

1、 Application and working principle

1. Electrostatic precipitator (MIST) is a new dust removal equipment used to deal with micro dust and micro particles. It is mainly used to remove dust, acid mist, water droplets, aerosol, odor and PM2 in wet gas 5 and other harmful substances are ideal equipment for controlling atmospheric dust pollution.

2. Tens of thousands of volts of DC high voltage is applied between the anode tube and cathode line of the electrostatic precipitator (FOG). Under the action of strong electric field, the gas between the anode and cathode is fully ionized, making the space of the precipitator full of positively and negatively charged ions. The dust (FOG) particles entering the precipitator with the flue gas collide with these positive and negative ions and are charged. The charged dust (FOG) particles move to the anode and cathode respectively due to the Coulomb force of the high-voltage electrostatic field, After reaching the two poles, the respective charges are released, and the dust (FOG) particles themselves are attached to the anode tube and cathode line due to their inherent viscosity, and then removed by water washing.

2、 Structure and performance characteristics

Electrostatic precipitator (MIST) is mainly composed of shell, anode device, cathode device, insulation device, flushing system and high-voltage unit.

3、 Process performance

Electrostatic precipitator (MIST) has the advantages of high dust removal efficiency, small pressure loss, simple operation, low energy consumption, no moving parts, no secondary dust, low maintenance cost, short production shutdown period, can work below the dew point temperature of flue gas, can be combined with other flue gas treatment equipment due to compact structure, diversified design forms and so on.




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