

waste (solid, liquid, gas) incinerator

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 11:23:43 HITS:

The waste (solid, liquid, gas) incinerator is an environmental protection equipment to use coal, oil, gas and other fuel to burn exhaust gas, waste liquid and solid waste, so as to reduce the quantity of the waste. It can also use the heat energy from burning medium.

Principle: The waste is oxidized, thermal decomposed and combusted fully in the combustion chamber of the furnace (1100℃),to achieve complete combustion effect free of smell, odor and smoke. The combustion efficiency reaches more than 99.9%, the destruction and removal rate reaches more than 99.99%. The gas passes through the tail gas treatment system, after meeting the emission standard, is discharged to atmosphere through the exhaust fan and chimney. The ash after combustion is collected manually for recycling. The equipment is mainly used for burning toxic and harmful gases (paint spray exhaust), medical waste, domestic waste, animal bodies at high temperature.




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