

bag dust removal equipment

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 11:21:53 HITS:

Bag dust removal equipment working mechanism is containing dust flue gas through the filter materials, the dust is filtered, the filter material collector set coarse dust is mainly rely on the role of inertia collision capture set fine-grained dust mainly by diffusion and sieving effect. The advantages and disadvantages of the dust removal effect of bag filter are related to many factors, but mainly depend on the filter material. Filter material of bag filter is synthetic fiber, natural fiber or glass fiber woven fabric or felt. According to the needs, the cloth or felt are sewn into a cylinder or a flat shaped dust bag. According to the nature of flue gas, the filter material suitable for the application condition is selected. Usually in the flue gas temperature below 120℃, it demands filter with acid resistance and durability, in this situation, polyester cloth and polyester needle felt will be chosen ; in the treatment of high temperature flue gas (<250℃),graphitization glass cloth will be chosen.




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