

low temperature plasma deodorization device

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 11:19:46 HITS:

Low temperature plasma is the second solid,liquid state,fourth states of matter after gaseous state,when the applied voltage reaches the discharge voltage of the gas,gas breakdown,A mixture of electrons, ions, atoms and free radicals is generated. In the discharge process although the electronic temperature is very high,But the heavy particle temperature was very low,the whole systemhas low temperature state, So called low-temperature plasma. Low temperature plasma exhaust treatment equipment in the production of low temperature plasma In process,The instantaneous high energy generated by the high frequency discharge is enough to open the chemical energy of the harmful gas molecules,make it decomposed into single atom harmless molecule.the plasma contains a large number of energetic electrons,positive and negative ions,excited particle and free radical with strong oxidizing property,It makes the active particles and odor molecules collide with, under the electric field. The stench of molecules. In the excited state of.When combined with odor molecules gained energy greater than the molecular bonding energy ,Chemical bond breaking odor molecules,Directly decompose into elemental atoms Into harmless gas molecules.At the same time to produce a large number of OH, O and other radicals and Gasification of highly O 3 , the chemical reaction with the harmful gas molecules,eventually produce harmless products. Low temperature plasma exhaust gas treatment equipment has a wide range of applications,low temperature plasma produced by dielectric barrier discharge in the, high energy, electronic,Almost all the peculiar smell gas molecules can be degraded. can be used in pharmaceutical processing.Rubber plastic waste gas.Ink coating waste gas.Feed and fertilizer processing plants.Heavy oil waste gas.Various types of sewage treatment plants and other industries in the presence of organic waste gas.Various types of sewage treatment plants and many industries exist. Organic exhaust gas. Smell.stench And other pollution problems.




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