

photocatalysis oxidation deodorizing device

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TiO2 photocatalysis oxidation purification equipment can efficiently remove the volatile organic compounds (VOC), inorganic, H2S, NH3, thioalcohol and other major pollutants, and a variety of odor, deodorization efficiency high, deodorization effect, and it even can remove atomic organic compounds efficiently, such as halogenated hydrocarbons, fuel and nitrogen containing organic matter, organic phosphorus pesticides, besides, it also can be adapted to high and low concentration, amount of atmospheric, substances of different exhaust gas removal of odor purification treatment, and 24 hours of continuous work with stable and reliable operation.

Process principle: Using TiO2 photolysis technique for purifying exhaust gas is by UV lamp emission of energetic UV photons, which will exhaust materials of chemical bond interrupt, cracking, then it will format into state of the ion of atoms, free radicals, and cleaved by TiO2 generated ozone and hydroxyl free radical oxidation of simple, stable small molecules non-toxic or low toxic compounds, such as CO2 and H2O. We need to determine the chemical bond of various gas molecules, and only bond energy less than UV photon energycan be cracked. Exhaust gas molecules is only cleaved into atoms, free radicals, which is not enough, it also need to be oxidized stability of small molecules by ozone and hydroxyl radical, such as CO2 and H2O, ozone needs through the oxygen to obtain high energy UV photon energy and cleaved to form active oxygen atoms and oxygen which combine to form, so as to achieve the purpose of purifying waste gas.




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