

FRP air duct

ADD TIME:2022-3-29 10:56:33 HITS:

FRP air duct is a product made of non-metallic composite materials, which is mainly wound by machine control through resin, glass fiber and adding high-quality quartz sand. It has the properties of FRP, corrosion resistance, high strength, long service life, convenient and reliable installation, and is widely used in petroleum, chemical industry, environmental protection, drainage, agricultural irrigation and other industries.

FRP air duct is a kind of light, high-strength and corrosion-resistant non-metallic pipe. The glass fiber based on resin matrix is wound on the rotating core mold layer by layer according to the process requirements, and the quartz sand is evenly paved between the fibers as the sand inclusion layer. The pipe wall structure is reasonable and advanced, which can give full play to the role of materials, improve the rigidity and ensure the stability and reliability of products under the premise of meeting the use strength. FRP sand inclusion is accepted by the majority of users because of its excellent chemical corrosion resistance, light weight and high strength, no scaling, strong seismic resistance, long service life, low comprehensive cost, fast installation, safety and reliability compared with ordinary steel pipes.




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