

Focusing on the construction of beautiful bay, Jiangsu issued the marine ecological environment protection plan of the 14th five year plan

ADD TIME:2022-4-15 13:42:41 HITS:

Jiangsu Provincial Department of ecological environment, the development and Reform Commission, the Department of natural resources, the Department of transportation, the Department of agriculture and rural areas and Jiangsu maritime police recently jointly issued the "Jiangsu Province's 14th five year plan for marine ecological environment protection" (hereinafter referred to as the "plan"), focusing on the main line of building a beautiful bay, focusing on improving the quality of marine ecological environment and improving the sense of public access, and comprehensively promoting pollution control, ecological protection In response to climate change, we will improve the ecological environment governance system of land and sea, and constantly improve the modernization of the marine environment governance system and governance capacity.

The plan will follow the principles of giving priority to ecology, harmony between people and the sea, overall planning of land and sea, systematic governance, accurate pollution control, ecological capacity expansion, clear responsibilities and joint promotion, promote the continuous and stable improvement of the quality of marine ecological environment in Jiangsu, continuously enhance the people's sense of access and happiness near the sea and close to the sea, and promote the high-quality development of coastal areas with high-level protection of marine ecological environment.

By 2025, the water environment pollution in key sea areas of Jiangsu Province and the pollution of beach and floating garbage in the sea will be effectively solved. The environmental quality of coastal sea areas will continue to improve steadily. The proportion of excellent water quality (class I and II) will reach 65%, and the proportion of excellent water quality (Class III and I) in the state-controlled sections of major rivers entering the sea will reach about 87%, so as to eliminate the inferior class V water quality; The trend of marine ecological destruction has been effectively curbed, the retention rate of mainland natural coastlines in the province has been maintained at more than 35%, the length of newly renovated coastlines is no less than 40 kilometers, and the area of newly renovated coastal wetlands is no less than 1400 hectares; The value of marine ecological products has increased significantly, the public's sense of access and happiness to the sea has increased significantly, and the number of beautiful bays promoted is not less than 5; The modernization of marine ecological environment management capacity has been preliminarily realized. By 2035, the marine ecological environment will be fundamentally improved, and more than 80% of the bays (Shore sections) will realize "clean water and beaches, full collection of fish and gulls and harmony between people and the sea", basically meeting the people's needs for a beautiful marine ecological environment.

The plan also determines a series of core quantitative indicators. By 2025, the proportion of excellent water quality (class I and II) in coastal waters will reach 65%, the proportion of excellent water quality (Class III or better) in the state-controlled sections of major rivers entering the sea will reach about 87%, and the inferior class V water quality will be eliminated, and the retention rate of natural shoreline on the mainland will remain above 35%.

The reporter noted that the plan focuses on improving the quality of marine ecological environment, focuses on strengthening the ecological background of green development in Jiangsu coastal areas, pays more attention to improving the public's sense of access, highlights the protection and construction of "beautiful bay", pays more attention to the symptomatic implementation of "one bay one policy" and "one beach one policy", and implements precise, scientific and legal pollution control, Promote high-quality development of coastal areas with high-level protection of marine ecological environment.

The plan has deployed seven key tasks: first, strengthen precise pollution control and overall planning of land and sea, and continuously improve the environmental quality of coastal waters; Second, both overall protection and system restoration should be carried out to improve the quality and stability of marine ecosystem; Third, improve the quality of being close to the sea and improve the public's happiness of being close to the sea; Fourth, driven by model demonstration, actively promote the protection and construction of "beautiful bay"; Fifth, actively respond to climate change and enhance marine blue carbon sink by multiple means; Sixth, improve the emergency response system to ensure the health and vitality of the ocean; Seventh, improve the system of laws and policies and promote the modernization of governance system and governance capacity.

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