

Concerning our daily travel, the Ministry of transport requires to improve the green travel environment

ADD TIME:2022-4-15 13:45:38 HITS:

Concerning our daily travel, the Ministry of transport recently issued a notice on the measures for the administration of national public transport urban construction demonstration projects (hereinafter referred to as the measures), which made it clear that we should improve the green travel environment and increase the proportion of green travel.

Since the Ministry of transport launched the national public transport city construction demonstration project in 2011, 87 cities including Beijing have been identified as public transport cities, and 33 cities have been named "national public transport city construction demonstration cities".

How to build a transit city? The measures require that mega and mega cities should establish the dominant position of urban rail transit in the urban public transport system and strengthen the integration of "conventional bus + Rail + slow traffic" network; Big cities should establish the backbone status of large and medium volume public transport in the urban public transport system and promote the integration of "public transport + slow traffic" network; Small and medium-sized cities should build a green travel system dominated by public transport and coordinated development of pedestrian and bicycle transportation.

"The construction of transit city should implement the deployment requirements of national carbon peak and carbon neutralization". The Ministry of transport specially emphasizes to build a slow traffic system, reasonably guide car travel, improve the green travel environment and increase the proportion of green travel.

We should increase the proportion of buses and trams in new and updated new energy cities, reasonably arrange and build charging and replacement facilities, and promote the green and low-carbon development of urban public transport.

In terms of the establishment and application, the measures also clearly stipulates that the cities applying for the establishment of transit cities should have a certain basis for the development of public transport and green travel, and be able to meet the basic travel needs of the people; Encourage small cities with a good foundation for urban public transport development to participate in the establishment of public transport cities and build a green travel system.

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